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ihes egin

gravel zerua

Legarrezko ibilbide barietate harrigarrienekin zoriontsu, Serra Mariola eskualdea eta Valentzia bi gurpileko legarreko helmuga ezin hobea da. Milaka kilometroko legarrezko ibilbideak daude, errazak eta gogorrak, besteak beste, 1000 metrotik gorako igoerak, Parke Nazional anitz, Fontanars ardo eskualde harrigarrietan zeharreko ibilbideak eta haran eder asko.

Vie Verde sistema zabala dago orain bizikletaz aritzeko sekula burutu gabeko trenbideetan barrena. Mendikate guztiak estaltzen dituen su ibilbideen sare zabala dago, suteen etenaldietarako eta udako baso suteak kontrolatzen dituzten begiratoki tripulatuetarako sarbideetarako balio duena, baina, are garrantzitsuagoa dena, legar ez tekniko izugarriak egiteko ibilbide naturalak alternatiboak dira. pistak.

gravel zerua

Legarrezko ibilbide barietate harrigarrienekin zoriontsu, Serra Mariola eskualdea eta Valentzia bi gurpileko legarreko helmuga ezin hobea da. Milaka kilometroko legarrezko ibilbideak daude, errazak eta gogorrak, besteak beste, 1000 metrotik gorako igoerak, Parke Nazional anitz, Fontanars ardo eskualde harrigarrietan zeharreko ibilbideak eta haran eder asko.

Vie Verde sistema zabala dago orain bizikletaz aritzeko sekula burutu gabeko trenbideetan barrena. Mendikate guztiak estaltzen dituen su ibilbideen sare zabala dago, suteen etenaldietarako eta udako baso suteak kontrolatzen dituzten begiratoki tripulatuetarako sarbideetarako balio duena, baina, are garrantzitsuagoa dena, legar ez tekniko izugarriak egiteko ibilbide naturalak alternatiboak dira. pistak.

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aukeratu zure bidea

Urtean zehar mota guztietako legar-pilotuak hartzen ditugu, bizikleta ontziratzen dutenak, ingurua esploratzeko oinarri bat nahi dutenak, aste osoko legarreko bidaia paketatuetara bideratuta eta zerbitzu osoz.

Jarri gurekin harremanetan zure eta zure taldearentzako zure bidaia eraikitzeko eta begiratu programatutako gertaerak legarrezko ihesen aurrean.

3-7 eguneko bidaia gidatuak edo autogidatuak eskaintzen ditugu, doako GPX ibilbideak eta mapak, aukerako aireportuko transferentziak, masaje zerbitzua, osteko otorduak eta luxuzko ostatua Casa Sanzen.

bidaiaren ikuspegi orokorra

Neurrira egindako astea eskaintzen dizugu zuretzako edo zure taldearentzat eta zure eskakizunen eta egoera fisikoaren arabera pertsonaliza dezakegu. Erronka handiko asteak itxura izan dezake, baina eskaladaren eta distantziaren zenbatekoaren araberakoa izango da.

01 eguna. Sarrera eta ongi etorria

02. eguna legarrezko begizta laburra 40/60 km adibidez. Serra Grossa

03. eguna luzeagoa Bocairent 60-80 km

04. eguna ibilaldi luzeena Serra Mariola 80km gehi

05. eguna atseden eguna / txangoa

Eguna 06 egun luzeagoa Via Verde Serpis

07 eguna egunik luzeena / Font Roja

08. eguna irten

* aukerako atseden eguna edo turismoa

Ibilbidea aurreikusitako astearen adierazgarria da, zure etorrera eta irteerako hegaldien arabera, tokiko baldintzen arabera eta taldearen mailara egokituta egon daiteke - pilotuek beren astetik onena ateratzeko aukera emanez.


Hire bike options

Our hire bike fleet includes new bikes for 2024:

Orbea Occam  LT with Fox 36 - 150mm travel
Mondraker Foxy R - Fox 36 & Ohlins 150/160mm travel

YT Jeffsy 140mm travel - Rockshox
Cannondale Trail SL2 - 120mm Rockshox 

Via  local partners we can provide  guests can hire e-MTB including - Specialized Turbo Levo and Orbea Wild models.

3rd Party bikes are delivered to our Casa ready for your arrival.

Many guests bring their own bikes too. We can service and support most brand and models.



epic XC routes

Many of our routes suit short travel full suspension or 29er hard tail bikes, that can cover the ground and roll over chunkier terrain in comfort.

There's often a climb, a long ridge line and long descents that can include fast and loose non-technical sections to steep rocky single track.


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trail / enduro

For Advanced riders 
For full on uplift based trail riding, the La Fenasosa bike is nearby and we can provide transport service is required.


Many of routes offer more technical trails as an alternative option to an easier XC section.

The Sant Esteve descent is 4.5km and includes narrow steep, loose rocky with ledges and small drops sections. 
There are many 2-3km enduro sections off the Engineers trail.
There are multiple 4-6km enduro descents back to the Casa from Bocairent and many more.


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la fenasosa bike park

For Intermediate to Advanced riders we can offer bike park days at the La Fenasosa bike park



mellow routes

For groups wanting non technical riding, we have many easier trails and routes that don't tackle the bigger and steeper climbs.

We can tailor the riding and routes to your level fitness and technical expertise. For example, if a group book onto a scheduled week first and want mellow riding, we'll run the week on that basis for others joining.


who is it for

Riders that like to pedal to the fun stuff, that don't mind a climb if rewarded with spectacular scenery and fun descents. 


Year round riding

The area here is sunny, dry and yet verdant and green thanks to the underground aquifers that source the start of multiple rivers.  The trails remain in great condition year round.

Summer riding can be hot, which usually means and early start or perhaps enjoying a shorter morning ride and a night ride once it's cooled.

Luxury gravel cycling in Valencia

our routes

Most of our routes are usually a circular loop, that start and ends at our Casa in Ontinyent. We don't tend to 'session' sections but rather treat every day as adventure, usually with several focal points serving as the riding and scenic highlights.

We have routes that head out in every direction and you'll be amazed at how diverse each one can be, with dramatically diverse vistas to be found every day.

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Montcabrer routes

One of the iconic mountains of the region and the highest peak in the Serra Mariola. It's possible to climb all the way from Ontinyent (350m) to the peak at over 1200m.  It's not easy but the views and terrain is jaw-dropping in its beauty. 


Serra Mariola routes

There are many spectacular routes through the including the Barxell Bridge near Alcoy, the Griffon Vulture colony and countless trails that can be reached from Agres, Bocairent, Banyeres and Muro, all of which make for fantastic places to take a detour when it's time to descend down from the mountains.


4 Night Long Weekend

We run a 4 night MTB Long weekend from November to March, that includes three guided rides for £495

Ontinyent trail blast + optional Sant Esteve descent
The Hidden Valley 

Cova Alta + Engineers descent + optional Font Freda loop

Please contact us to book. It's also possible to extend your stay to 7,10 & 14 days, hire an e-MTB and visit the the bike park.


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